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  • 921. Direct shoot organogenesis and plant regeneration in Fortunella crassifolia

    文献信息:Yang L, Xu CJ, Hu GB, Chen KS.等.  发表于【BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM】 | 请登录

    922. Optimizing Culture System of Ri T-DNA Transformed Roots for Citrus grandis cv. Changshou Shatian You

    文献信息:Yang XH, Sun ZH, Tong RJ.等.  发表于【Agricultural Sciences in China】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Genetic transformation experiments of the different explants from Citrus grandis cv. Changshou Shatian You infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes were carried out in darkness or in light. The optimizing culture system of Ri T-DNA transformed roots for C. grandis cv. Changshou Shatian You was constructed as follows: After the ventral wounded striations on the single activation cotyledon were inocul...

    923. Quantitative multiplex real-time PCR as a screening tool for estimating transgene copy number in transgenic citrus

    文献信息:Omar AA, Dekkers MGH, Graham JH, Grosser JW等.  发表于【IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL】 | 请登录

    924. Prolonged somatic transposition in citrus: The autonomous Ac transposable element remains active in the citrus genome for several years

    文献信息:Trainin, T., Lipsky, A., Levy, A. A., & Holland , D. (2005)等.  发表于【Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science】 |  , 请登录

    简介:The maize transposable element Activator (Ac) has been shown to be active in a number of dicots, including arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.], tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). However, no information is available on somatic transposition in any plant during several years of gro...

    925. Genetic transformation of mature citrus plants

    文献信息:M Cervera,J Juárez,L Navarro,L Peña等.  发表于【Methods in Molecular Biology】 | 请登录

    简介:Abstract Most woody fruit species have long juvenile periods that drastically prolong the time required to analyze mature traits. Evaluation of characteristics related to fruits is a requisite to release any new variety into the market. Because of a decline in regenerative and transformation potential, genetic transformation procedures usually employ juvenile material as the source of plant tissue...

    926. Utilization of intergeneric somatic hybrids as an index discriminating taxa in the genus Citrus and its related species

    文献信息:Takami, K.,Matsumaru, A.,Yahata, M.,Kunitake, H.,Komatsu, H.等.  发表于【Sexual Plant Reproduction】 | 请登录

    简介:Embryogenic protoplasts of 'Shogun' mandarin ( Citrus reticulata Blanco) were electrically fused with mesophyll protoplasts from Citropsis gabunensis Swing. & M. Kell, and two green embryoids were regenerated after 3 months of culture. Two months after transfer to the regeneration medium, numerous plantlets were obtained from the embryoids. These plants grew vigorously, had well-developed root sys...

    927. Immature embryo rescue, culture and seedling development of acid citrus fruit derived from interploid hybridization

    文献信息:Viloria, Z.,Grosser, J. W.,Bracho, B.等.  发表于【Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture】 | 请登录

    简介:Interploid sexual hybridizations were completed in 2001 and 2002 between seven lemon ( Citrus limon ( L.) Burm. f.) varieties, 'Key' lime ( C. aurantifolia ( Cristm.) Swing), Palestine sweet lime ( C. imettioides Tan.), 'Lakeland' limequat ( C. aurantifolia x Fortunella japonica ( Thumb.) Swing.), and ` Etrog' citron ( C. medica L.) as diploid progenitors and four allotetraploid somatic hybrids ('...

    928. Allotetraploid hybrids produced by protoplast fusion for seedless triploid Citrus breeding

    文献信息:Wu, J. H.,Ferguson, A. R.,Mooney, P. A.等.  发表于【Euphytica】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Protoplast fusion has been used to produce novel allotetraploid hybrids for use as parents in crosses with diploids to produce easy-peel, seedless, triploid citrus cultivars. Forty three plants were produced from fusions between protoplasts of 'Encore' mandarin and 'Valencia' sweet orange, and of 'Encore' and 'Caffin' clementine mandarin in which protoplasts of each of the donors were isolated fro...

    929. Electrochemical protoplast fusion in citrus

    文献信息:Olivares-Fuster, O.,Duran-Vila, N.,Navarro, L.等.  发表于【Plant Cell Reports】 |  , 请登录

    简介:We report here the development of a novel protoplast fusion method for citrus somatic hybridization. This new procedure, which we have named electrochemical protoplast fusion, is based on chemically induced protoplast aggregation, using a low concentration of polyethylene glycol, and DC pulse-promoted membrane fusion. Based on the results of nucleus and mitochondria molecular analyses, we were suc...

    930. Citrus somatic allotetraploid hybrids exhibit a differential reduction of leaf sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis compared with their parents

    文献信息:Gancel, A. L.,Ollitrault, P.,Froelicher, Y.,Tomi, M.,Jacquemond, C., Lur, F., Brillouet, J. M. 等.  发表于【Flavour Fragr】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Leaves of 13 interspecific and intergeneric citrus somatic allotetraploid hybrids were analysed and compared with those of their respective parents (lime, lemons, citron, orange, kumquat, poncirus and mandarin) with regards to their sesquiterpenoid contents (mu g/g dry weight). The hybrids do not fully retain their parental traits. Sesquiterpenoid production is much reduced (by similar to 65-90%) ...

    931. Effects of nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions on leaf volatile compounds from citrus somatic diploid hybrids

    文献信息:Fanciullino, A. L.,Gancel, A. L.,Froelicher, Y.,Luro, F.,Ollitrault, P.,Brillouet, J. M.等.  发表于【Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry】 | 请登录

    简介:Three diploid citrus somatic hybrids (cybrids) were produced by fusions combining nucellar callus-derived protoplasts of Willow Leaf mandarin (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) and Commune clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.) with, respectively, leaf protoplasts of Eureka lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.] and Marumi kumquat [Fortunella japonica (Thunb.) Swing.] and leaf protoplasts of Marumi kumquat. P...

    932. 细胞操作技术与柑橘遗传改良

    文献信息:郭文武,蔡小东,段艳欣,刘歆,邓秀新等.  发表于【中国园艺学会第十届会员代表大会暨学术讨论会】 |  , 请登录

    简介:植物细胞操作等生物技术手段在柑橘育种实践中具有重要的意义和很好的应用前景。在以前的基础上,近年我们进一步开展了有关研究,现总结如下。 1、柑橘转化体系优化及相关目的基因的转化植株再生高效的转化再生体系是柑橘分子育种研究的基础平台。近年,我们建:芷起适合柑橘不同品种的外植体转化再生体系。1)以柑橘胚性愈伤组织原生质体为转化受体,以GFP(绿色荧光蛋白)为选择标

    933. 用流式细胞仪和RAPD快速鉴定柑橘体细胞杂种

    文献信息:付春华,郭文武,邓秀新等.  发表于【华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)】 |  , 请登录


    934. 柚类、橘类叶肉原生质体分离方法研究

    文献信息:付春华,郭文武,邓秀新等.  发表于【华中农业大学学报】 |  , 请登录


    935. 柑橘体细胞杂种有性后代的创造及杂种鉴定

    文献信息:伊华林,邓秀新等.  发表于【实验生物学报】 |  , 请登录

    简介:以异源四倍体柑橘体细胞杂种[哈姆林甜橙(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)+粗柠檬(C.jambhiri Luss)]为父本与二倍体单胚类型宜本杂4号[华农本地早橘(C.reticulata Blanco)×宜昌橙(C.ichangen- sis Swingle)]杂交,采用胚抢救技术获得了110株有性后代植株,通过染色体计数及倍性分析仪鉴定,其中93株植株为3倍体,余下的17林植株为2倍体。RAPD分析表明:获得的有性后代植株均为杂种。

    936. 柑橘同步化悬浮系建立及微原生质体分离

    文献信息:张庆华等.   , 请登录

    简介:微融合(Microprotoplast fusion)是进行植物部分基因组转移的非对称融合新途径。获得高频率的微核是开展微融合的关键,而同步化的悬浮系有利于微核的分离。鉴于此,本研究旨在建立同步化的细胞系,尝试分离微核并建立分离体系,为今后开展微融合奠定基础。主要研究结果如下: 1.研究了国庆1号(Citrus unshiu 'Guoqing No. 1')、默科特橘橙(C. reticulata×C.sinensis)、锦橙(C.sinensis)三个品种的细胞周期,结果表明三种悬浮系在培养的8d...

    937. 柑橘种间体细胞杂种花器官特性及花粉育性

    文献信息:刘艳玲,夏仁学,李国怀,马梦亭,伊华林等.  发表于【山地农业生物学报】 |  , 请登录

    简介:柑橘异源四倍体体细胞杂种“哈姆林甜橙Citrussinensiscv. HamlinSweetOrange+粗柠檬Citrusjambhiricv. RoughLemon)”是我国最早一例开花的柑橘体细胞杂种。为探讨其在柑橘育种与生产中的价值,对其花器官特性、花粉形态及大小进行了观察,并对花粉育性进行了检测。结果表明,花器官有 3种类型:完全花、雌蕊败育花和畸形花。其中 95%的花为雌蕊败育花,但其花药饱满,花粉量大 (每花药 19 229粒 ),萌发率高(15 31%)。以异源四倍体体细胞杂...

    938. 两类柑橘杂种砧木对脐橙幼树生长及若干生理生化指标的影响

    文献信息:周开兵,郭文武,夏仁学,黄仁华,胡利明,杨荣根等.  发表于【亚热带植物科学】 |  , 请登录


    939. 两类杂种砧木资源对柑橘幼树生长和叶片矿质营养含量的影响

    文献信息:周开兵,郭文武,夏仁学,王贵元,鲍华兵等.  发表于【西北植物学报】 |  , 请登录

    940. 以异源四倍体体细胞杂种为父本与二倍体杂交创造柑橘三倍体的研究

    文献信息:宋健坤,郭文武,伊华林,刘继红,陈春丽,邓秀新等.  发表于【园艺学报】 |  , 请登录


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