文献信息:Roy G, Sudarshana MR, Ullman DE, Ding SW, Dandekar AM, Falk BW.等. 发表于【PHYTOPATHOLOGY】 | 请登录
文献信息:Batuman O, Mawassi M, Bar-Joseph M.等. 发表于【Virus Genes】 | 请登录
简介:In an attempt to utilize post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) as a means to impart resistance against Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) into citrus plants, the p23 + 3?UTR sequence (p23U) of the VT strain of CTV was engineered to fold into a double-stranded (ds) RNA structure. The resulting construct (p23UI) was introduced into Nicotiana benthamiana and Alemow (Citrus macrophylla) plants by Agroba...
文献信息:Fagoaga C, López C, de Mendoza AH, Moreno P, Navarro L, Flores R, Peña L.等. 发表于【Plant Molecular Biology】 | , 请登录
简介:Previously, we have shown that most Mexican limes (Citrus aurantifolia (Christ.) Swing.) expressing the p23 gene of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) exhibit aberrations resembling viral leaf symptoms. Here we report that five independent transgenic lines having normal phenotype displayed characteristics typical of post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS): multiple copies of the transgene, low levels ...
文献信息:Tao NG, Ye JL, Xu J, Deng XX.等. 发表于【Agricultural Sciences in China】 | , 请登录
简介:LEA5 gene was postulated related with both stress and hormone responses.In an attempt to find genes exclusively expressed during fruit ripening of Cara Cara navel orange,a novel cDNA clone encoding late embryogenesis—abundant protein 5 like gene(CitLEA5-1)was obtained.It was 582 bp in length,containing 97 deduced amino acids.Compared with the stress.induced LEA5 from leaves of Citrus sinens...
文献信息:Garcia-Luis A, Molina RV, Varona V, Castello S, Guardiola JL.等. 发表于【PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE】 | 请登录
文献信息:Ballester A, Cervera M, Peña L.等. 发表于【Plant Cell Reports】 | 请登录
简介:The presence of marker genes conferring antibiotic resistance in transgenic plants represents a serious obstacle for their public acceptance and future commercialization. In citrus, selection using the selectable marker gene nptII, that confers resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin, is in general very effective. An attractive alternative is offered by the MAT system (Multi-Auto-Transformation), w...
文献信息:Omar AA, Song WY, Graham JH, Grosser JW.等. 发表于【HORTSCIENCE】 | 请登录
文献信息:Boscariol RL, Monteiro M, Takahashi EK, Chabregas SM, Vieira ML, Vieira LG, Pereira LF, Mendes BM.等. 发表于【J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.】 | , 请登录
简介:Citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis Starr and Garces pv. citri(Hasse) Vauterin et al. , is one of the main problems affecting citrus production. In order to obtain resistance to phytopathogenic bacteria, insect gege, coding for antimicrobial proteins, have been used in plant genetic transfornation. In this study, transgenic Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. "Hamlin" plants expressing the antim...
文献信息:Bausher MG, Singh ND, Lee SB, Jansen RK, Daniell H.等. 发表于【BMC Plant Biology】 | , 请登录
简介:Background: The production of Citrus, the largest fruit crop of international economic value, has recently been imperiled due to the introduction of the bacterial disease Citrus canker. No significant improvements have been made to combat this disease by plant breeding and nuclear transgenic approaches. Chloroplast genetic engineering has a number of advantages over nuclear transformation; it not ...
文献信息:刘歆, 段艳欣, 范净, 邓秀新, 郭文武.等. 发表于【果树学报】 | 请登录
简介:Transformation ofgreen fluorescent protein gene(gfp)intocitrus embryogenic calluses of13 cultivars mediated by Agrobacteriumtumefaciens was conducted.Totally82 transgenic lines from11 cultivars were produced,among which 28 and 25 transgenic lines were obtained from Frost navel orange and Sunburst tangerine respectively.Further PCR analysis of 3 selected transformed cultivars amplified the expected...
文献信息:郑启发, 胡桂兵, 陈大成, 黄自然, 林顺权.等. 发表于【《中国园艺学会第七届青年学术讨论会论文集》】 | 请登录
简介:Base on multiplieation of callus,induetion of somatic embryo and plant regeneration in Ponkan mandarin(Citrus reticulata Blanco cv.‘Ponkan’), the AP1 and AP一BD genes medieated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens were transformed into the callus wounded by carborundum, transformic plantlets were obtained from the callus through seleetion. A. tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring pCDB一Ⅱ or p208一AP1 w...
文献信息:F. A. Azevedo, F. A. A. Mourão Filho, B. M. J. Mendes, W. A. B. Almeida, E. H. Schinor, R. Pio, J. M. Barbosa, S Guidetti-Gonzalez, H. Carrer, 等. 发表于【Plant Molecular Biology Reporter】 | , 请登录
简介:Transgenic plants expressing the bacterio-opsin (bO) gene can spontaneously activate programmed cell death (pcd) and may enhance broad-spectrum pathogen resistance by activating an intrinsic defense pathway in plant species such as tobacco and potato. In this work, we produced transgenic Rangpur lime plants with the bO gene, via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and evaluated thes...
文献信息:杨莉, 徐昌杰, 陈昆松.等. 发表于【《中国园艺学会第七届青年学术讨论会论文集》】 | , 请登录
简介:An effieient in vitro regeneration system and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system were established in kumquats (Fortunella crassifolia swingle), and more than 20 transgenic plants were obtained. Three protoeols, multiplex PCR,T一DNA flanking sequence analysis and Southern blotting, were applied to early, middle and late analysis of transformation,respectively. With the established transf...
文献信息:韩美丽, 陆荣生, 吴耀军, 杜晓莉.等. 发表于【广西植物】 | , 请登录
简介:Transformation and regeneration ofCitrusgrandisplants were studied byAgrobacterium-mediated. Transgenic plants with ShivaA gene had been obtained. The carbenicillin was better to controlAgrobacterium growing after explants were infected. Epicotyls fragment were infecting for 10 min as OD600ofAgrobacterium suspending liquid is 0.5. Epicotyls fragment were co-cultured withAgrobacteriumfor 3days. The...
文献信息:周春丽, 郭卫东, 路梅, 陈瑾, 李玉萍等. 发表于【热带亚热带植物学报】 | , 请登录
简介:Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Citrus medica L.var.sarcodactlis was performed by leaf disc.The binary vector harbors the gene of interest TPS and NPTII gene driven by CaMV 35S promoter.The presence of TPS gene integration in the genome was detected and confirmed by GUS assay and PCR,respectively. Transformation parameters optimized were bacterial concentration,pre-culture period,immersio...
文献信息:Khawale RN, Singh SK, Garg G, Baranwal VK, Ajirlo SA.等. 发表于【CURRENT SCIENCE】 | 请登录
文献信息:Rai M.等. 发表于【Plant Molecular Biology】 | 请登录
简介:Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is a major pathogen of Citrus. A single dominant gene Ctv present in the trifoliate relative of Citrus, Poncirus trifoliata confers broad spectrum resistance against CTV. Refinement of genetic maps has delimited this gene to a 121 kb region, comprising of ten candidate Ctv resistance genes. The ten candidate genes were individually cloned in Agrobacterium based binary v...
文献信息:胡春华, 邓子牛, Gentile A, 徐艳, 熊兴耀.等. 发表于【园艺学报】 | , 请登录
简介:Molecular identification, physiology evaluation and morphological observation of therolA, rolB androlC transgenic citrange clones (B, D, E) were conducted. PCR analysis indicated that therolA, rolB,rolC geneswere integrated into the citrange genome. The expression of the transgenesnptⅡandrolC was detected by usingRT-PCR; while the transgenesrolA androlB did notshow anyRT-PCR produc,t and it wasno...
文献信息:Cevik B, Lee RF, Niblett CL.等. 发表于【Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry】 | , 请登录
简介:Protein and RNA-mediated forms of pathogen-derived resistance (PDR) have been developed against many viruses in different plants. However, no resistance has been reported against Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), a closterovirus, in Citrus species transformed with coat protein genes or other sequences of CTV. The successful use of replication-associated genes in RNA-mediated resistance in other crops p...
文献信息:Yang L, Xu CJ, Hu GB, Chen KS.等. 发表于【BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM】 | 请登录